Tuesday, April 26, 2011

DIY with Blue Velvet Chair

I'm a big fan of Roeshel and her work over here at The DIY Showoff - and I regularly crash her link parties - so I'm thrilled to be visiting as a guest blogger today and showcasing my latest before/after DIY project. My name is Mike, short for Michael, and I love to recycle, repurpose, and relove.

A few weeks ago I posted a Sneak Peek of several junk pieces treasures that I had picked up over the weekend - with plans swirling around in my head. I've since used the hubcaps to start my outside Happy Hubcap Wall Garden, the old planks of wood are waiting patiently to see what new life I have in store for them, and I finally finished a DIY refurbish for the funky little chandelier of my dreams.

We moved into our "1970s and I need a total renovation to bring me into this century" house nearly 3 years ago - and our first attempt at a dining room light was simply to use the small pink glass chandelier that came with the house. It just didn't fit the space, so that little cutie was moved to my daughter's room and you'll get peek at that in a future showoff of her redesigned little space. Then, I picked up a "I need a lot of work" 12-armed brass lamp fixture with "great potential" at the thrift store...which then hung in our dining room for the past 2 years...untouched and without lamp shades. When my hubby started to express his concern that our 12-armed lamp was not environmentally friendly (bless the Swedes for their green living), I officially started the hunt for the ideal lamp to hang over our family meals and fill the central hub of our home with light. That's when I stumbled across my funky little glass bauble diva online and was hoping-hoping-hoping that it hadn't been sold yet. Thank you Lady Luck!

So, here she is in all her before and after glory.  I call her Lulu (and I hope that I'm not the only one that names my projects).

Look at how a little paint and TLC helps her shine!

If you would like to see the full deconstruct-reconstruct for Lulu, hop on over to my place at Blue Velvet Chair for more images that document a new life for this little diva.

Hope to see you soon!
Blue Velvet Chair