Friday, December 31, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Tutorials..

Like most everyone, I'm a fan of the Lettered Cottage and I can't resist joining her 2010 Favorite Tutorials party with just 3 of my own.  I'm looking forward to reading the tutorials linked up too!  What a wonderful weekend past time while Mr. DIY works this weekend.  End of year. Self employed.  I guess there's no preventing it.

Here are my top 3...

Wastepaper Basket to Lamp - so easy to do!

Hardware cloth Hurricanes (wire candle cozies!) you caught me.  That's 5 but have I mentioned how indecisive I can be?  

What about you?  Head over and link up to...

I'm hoping to highlight my 12 favorite DIY show off features next week...lots to go through thanks to your creativity!