Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Woo hoo! Showing Off the Show Off!

I'm the one usually featuring your amazing creativity when you let me so when the tables are turned, I'm so grateful. I'm ecstatic to be recognized. It feels so good.  It even feels like I'm famous for a day!  But, I'm also shy.  I'm blushing and humbled but jumping up and down with excitement, shouting it out to Russ who shares my joy even if he rolls his eyes at my reaction. I can get a little crazy about it.  

I'm honored to be guest blogging for Cassie at Hi SugarPlum today in her Best of the Best series.  So fun!  Pop over to check it out (please!) and the other talented bloggers featured in her holiday series.  You'll also want to take a peek (okay - it'll be more than a peek since there are so many amazing ideas) at her project gallery too!  She has a gorgeous home!

And I'm twice blessed today!  **SMILE!**  My easy DIY wire hurricanes are being featured today at
Thank you so much, Cassity!  I'm new to Polly Want a Crafter, a site dedicated to fun and inspiring crafts, hosted by Cassity from Remodelaholic (who I have had the pleasure of  'knowing' for a while).  I can't wait to catch up on all of the awesome features and look forward to seeing more creativity in the future!

Also...just messing around trying to maybe give the header a fresh look for 2011. What do you think of my first attempt?  (Full size at the bottom of the page.)  I'd like to incorporate my current button/feel too so I need to swap out some of the light colors for red. Still working on it but have I mentioned how technically challenged I am or that my extra cash goes into this old farmhouse and DIY while the blog is maintained by my little knowledge and zero talent with html coding skills?  Anyway, DIY (very amateur) photo blog header.  Yay or Nay?

Now, back to work so I have something more to show off soon! :)  Thanks for letting me show off!  Enjoy the day!